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Worthiness (Six Month Commemoration)
RC Meditation
(Winter, 2002: 03/11/02)

by The Reluctant Channel and Pati Beaudoin
(c) copyright 2002, all rights reserved.

We will start by closing our eyes and moving into feeling a deep sense of
relaxation.  Let your back be comfortably straight, let your breathing move
into your lower abdomen, and with each breath out, you can let your body
relax a little more.   Exhale fully, take a deep breath, and let your body
sigh.  You will be doing hard work today and we want to be as relaxed as
possible. While you do the work, it is important to remember that you are
protected by the column of light that constantly shines into you from above.
Remember also that you are not working alone; you have the shared power of all those around you who are working with you.  We will become more relaxed now by realizing what if any strong feelings exist within us that may
prevent or make it difficult for us to relax.  Perhaps you are feeling
angry, depressed, anxious, shocked, scared. Or perhaps you are feeling
overjoyed or excited.  All feelings are OK to feel, but we will feel them
another time.  Now it is time to relax.  In order to feel a deep sense of
relaxation, it will be important to set aside these feelings.  If you are
not aware of any of these feelings, that is fine.  You can focus on feeling
neutral, if that is what you feel.  If you are already relaxed, that is fine
too.  You can always become even more relaxed. If you are feeling any of the
strong feelings, such as anger, depression, anxiety, shock, fear,
overjoyfulness, or excitement, we will make a special container to hold the
emotions while we are doing this meditation.  If you will feel like it, you
will be able to have the feelings come back after the meditation is over.
If you do not feel any of these strong emotions, you can still make the
container and know that it is there for a time when you may need it in the

We are now ready to make the container.  You can select any kind of container that you like and you can decorate it in any style that you like.
The container can be large or small, it does not matter.  Whatever size you
select, will be the perfect size and will be able to contain all of your
strong emotions.  Make sure that the inside of the container is specially
coated and covered with comfortable material.  The material may be cotton,
linen, silk, warm water. It does not matter.  What matters is that your
feelings need to be kept in material that is comforting for your feelings.
Your feelings are precious and need to be comfortable while you are
meditating.  Make sure that your container can be easily opened and closed.
It may have a simple lid, a latch, or a bolt.  It does not matter.  What
matters is that you can safely close your container so that the feelings
remain safe while you are meditating, and that you can easily open the
container if you want to when you are done meditating.  Take a moment now to select the size of your container, how and if you want it decorated, what material will line the container, and how you will be opening it and closing it.  Do this now.  Okay.  Now take a good look at your container.  Does it feel, smell, look right to you?  Remember, your strong feelings will be
contained in this container and it needs to be just right.  Make any changes
that need to be made to make it just right.   Now open your container.  In a
moment, we will be taking 3 deep breaths in and out. When we breathe out
deeply, we will be breathing out our strong feelings such as anger,
depression, anxiety, shock, fear, overjoyfulness, or excitement. These
strong feelings will go directly into our containers.  When we breathe in,
we will be breathing in deep relaxation.  Remember, if you are not aware of
any strong feelings at the moment, that is fine.  It still helps to breathe
in and out to become deeply relaxed.

Okay, let us begin. Take a deep breath in of deep relaxation, and breath out
deeply all your strong feelings. Know that the strong feelings are going
into your container.  Let us do this again.  Take a deep breath in of deep
relaxation, and breathe out deeply all your strong feelings.  Know that the
strong feelings are going into your container.  One more time.  Take a deep
breath in of deep relaxation, and breathe out deeply all your strong
feelings.  Know that the strong feelings are going into your container.
Close your container.  Think of a safe place to put the container while you
are meditating.  This place may be a special room in your house, it may be a
drawer in your office, it may be a safe in a bank, it may be a hole in your
backyard.  It does not matter.  Think of a safe place now.  Place your
container in your safe place and know that when the meditation is over, if
you wish, you will be able to retrieve your container.  Do this now.
Now that we are in a deeper state of relaxation, focus on the light above
you.  Feel how the column of light shines into you and on you and bathes you with comfort.  Feel this now.  Know that you are worthy and deserving of feeling comfort, compassion, and warmth.  Feel this worthiness now.  Feel
how the worthiness travels down from your head to your fingers to your toes. All of you is worthy.  The entire you is deserving of feeling comfort,
compassion, and warmth.  Feel this now.  Hold on to this feeling and picture
everyone in the room meditating with you.  Share your feelings of worthiness
with everyone in the room.  Do this now.  The worthiness that we are feeling
grows as a result of this sharing.  Now share this worthiness with the
middle of the room.  Do this now.  The light above each and every one of us
sends a beam of light to this worthiness in the middle of the room.  See the
beams now, shining into the center of the room.  The light and the
worthiness have combined together to form a flame.  There is no worry of it
becoming a fire -- the flame cannot become a fire. There is water
surrounding the flame, preventing it from becoming a fire.  See the flame
now.  Next to each one of us there is an unlit torch.  It can be a small
torch or a large torch; it does not matter.  Select a size that you will be
able to comfortably carry.  You will be lighting the torch and sharing the
feeling of worthiness with the peoples of the earth.  Imagine your torch

We are now ready to begin our journey.  You will be using a comfortable
cushion to transport you on our visits.  Select a cushion that will feel
comfortable, look pleasing and that you would like to sit or lie on.  Select
it now.  Take your unlit torch and sit or lie on the cushion.  You can
change your position or shift around anytime.  Feel how nice it feels to sit
or lie on it.  Feel this now.  As you are feeling the coziness, your cushion
gently begins to lift you into the air.  It is so gentle that you hardly
even feel it.  You do feel a slight lovely warm breeze as you travel through
the air.  Feel this now.  As you feel this, the cushion takes you to your
first site.  With your unlit torch, you gently land and step off the
cushion.  You notice your column of light and remember that you are
protected and safe.  You take a deep breath in and out and sense again your
deep relaxation.  You start walking through a narrow alleyway. This road is
not paved, and is muddy.  There is a strong stench of human waste and you
see barefoot toddlers running around with bloated stomachs.  You see young
adults lying on the streets without clothes grasping for air.  You hear
babies wailing and dogs whimpering.  As you keep walking you notice stairs.
You walk up the stairs and realize that from the top of the staircase, you
have a view of the whole village.  You take your unlit torch and point it in
the direction of the flame in the middle of the meditation room.  It
immediately lights and the flame on the torch is full of the worthiness
feeling.  You take the torch and raise it to a comfortable height so that
the torch is an extension of your arm which is pointing at the village.  As
you do this, the village and all the people of the village are full of
feeling the worthiness feeling.  Let us do this for a few moments, noticing
that the flame slowly extinguishes itself as all the people are bathed with
the worthiness feeling.  Once the flame is extinguished, notice the column
of light above you.  Look at the column and then move your eyes to the
village.  By doing so you have created a beam between the light and all the
people of the village.  See this beam now.  The beam is covering and filling
all the people of the village with warmth, comfort, and compassion. Let us
take a moment to let the beam cover all the people.

Once the beam has covered all the people, we look at our feet and notice
that our cushions have followed us and are waiting to take us to our next
destination.  Take your unlit torch and go onto the cushion.  You can either
sit or lie on the cushion.  It does not matter.  What matters is that you
notice how cozy and soothing it feels to sit or lie on the cushion.  Notice
this now. As you notice this, the cushion gently lifts you and you feel the
warm cool breeze on your face as the cushion takes you to your next
destination.  As you notice how comfortable you are feeling, you realize
that the cushion has gently landed in our next site.  You get off your
cushion and take your unlit torch with you.  You notice your column of light
and remember that you are protected and safe.  You take a deep breath in and out and remember that you are in a deep state of relaxation.  Right in front of you is a door to a large hut.  You enter it and notice all around you
scantily dressed young boys, young girls, and older women.  They are posing
in what appears to be unnatural positions and you realize that you have
entered a brothel.  You take your unlit torch and point it in the direction
of the flame in the middle of the meditation room.  It immediately lights
and the flame on the torch is full of the worthiness feeling.  You take the
torch and point it in the direction of everyone in the brothel.  As you do
this, all the people are full of feeling the worthiness feeling.  Let us do
this for a few moments, noticing that the flame slowly extinguishes itself
as all of the people are bathed with the worthiness feeling.  Once the flame
is extinguished, notice the column of light above you.  Look at the column
and then move your eyes to the people in the brothel.  By doing so you have
created a beam between the light and all of the people in the brothel.  See
this beam now.  The beam is covering and filling all the people with warmth,
comfort, and compassion.  Let us take a moment to let the beam cover all the people.

Once the beam has covered all the people, we look at our feet and notice
that our cushions have followed us and are waiting to take us to our next
destination.  Take your unlit torch and go onto the cushion. You can either
sit or lie on the cushion.  It does not matter.  What matters is that you
notice how cozy and soothing it feels to sit or lie on the cushion.  Notice
this now.  As you notice this, the cushion gently lifts you and you feel the
warm cool breeze on your face as the cushion takes you to your next
destination.  As you notice how comfortable you are feeling, you realize
that the cushion has gently landed in our next site.  You get off your
cushion and take your unlit torch with you.  You notice your column of light
and remember that you are protected and safe.  You take a deep breath in and out and remember that you are in a state of deep relaxation.  The cushion has landed on top of a hill that overlooks a site that serves multiple
purposes.  One area houses youth who are learning to be terrorists.  Another
area houses prisoners of war who are being tortured.  Another area houses
career officers who are receiving advanced training.  You take your unlit
torch and point it in the direction of the flame in the middle of the
meditation room.  It immediately lights and the flame on the torch is full
of the worthiness feeling.  You take the torch and point it in the direction
of the youth who are learning to be terrorists.  Do this now.  Now you take
your torch and point it in the direction of the prisoners of war who are
being tortured.  Do this now.  Finally, take your torch and point it in the
direction of the career officers who are receiving advanced training.  As
you do this, all the people are full of feeling the worthiness feeling.
Notice that the flame slowly extinguishes itself as all the people are
bathed with the worthiness feeling.  Once the flame is extinguished, notice
the column of light above you.  Look at the column and then move your eyes
to the people.  By doing so you have created a beam between the light and
all the people.  See this beam now.  The beam is covering all the people
with warmth, comfort, and compassion.  Let us take a moment to let the beam cover all the people.

Once the beam has covered all the people, we look at our feet and notice
that our cushions have followed us and are waiting to take us to our next
destination. Take your unlit torch and go onto the cushion.  You can either
sit or lie on the cushion.  It does not matter.  What matters is that you
notice how cozy and soothing it feels to sit or lie on the cushion.  Notice
this now.  As you notice this, the cushion gently lifts you and you feel the
warm cool breeze on your face as the cushion takes you to your next
destination.  As you notice how comfortable you are feeling, you realize
that the cushion has gently landed at our next site.  You get off your
cushion and take your unlit torch with you.  You notice your column of light
and remember that you are protected and safe.  You take a deep breath in and out and remember that you are in a state of deep relaxation.  You are in
front of a house and can see through a large window into the living room.
You see a man hitting a woman and two young children.  See this now.  You
take your unlit torch and point it in the direction of the flame in the
middle of the meditation room.  It immediately lights and the flame on the
torch is full of the worthiness feeling.  You take the torch and point it in
the direction of the man, woman, and two young children.  Do this now.  As
you do this, all them are full of feeling the worthiness feeling and you
notice that the man has stopped hitting the woman and two young children.
Notice that the flame slowly extinguishes itself as they are bathed with the
worthiness feeling.  Once the flame is extinguished, notice the column of
light above you.  Look at the column and then move your eyes to the man,
woman, and two young children.  By doing so you have created a beam between them and the light.  See this beam now.  The beam is covering them with warmth, comfort, and compassion.  Let us take a moment to let the beam cover them.

We look at our feet and notice that our cushions have followed us and are
waiting to take us to our next destination.  Take your unlit torch and go
onto the cushion.  You can either sit or lie on the cushion.  It does not
matter.  What matters is that you notice how cozy and soothing it feels to
sit or lie on the cushion.  Notice this now.  As you notice this, the
cushion gently lifts you and you feel the warm cool breeze on your face as
the cushion takes you to your next destination.  As you notice how
comfortable you are feeling, you realize that the cushion has gently landed
at our next site. You get off your cushion and take your unlit torch with
you.  You notice your column of light and remember that you are protected
and safe.  You take a deep breath in and out and remember that you are in a state of deep relaxation.  You have landed in a room full of healthy newborn babies in a wealthy hospital in a wealthy neighborhood full of all the resources necessary to help young ones grow into compassionate, wise, and just adults.  In this room you see the potential of future humanity.  You take your unlit torch and point it in the direction of the flame in the middle of the meditation room.  It immediately lights and the flame on the torch is full of the worthiness feeling.  You take the torch and point it in the direction of all the babies.  Do this now.  As you do this, all the
babies are full of feeling the worthiness feeling.  Notice that the flame
slowly extinguishes itself as they are bathed with the worthiness feeling.
Once the flame is extinguished, notice the column of light above you.  Look
at the column and then move your eyes to the babies.  By doing so you have
created a beam between them and the light.  See this beam now.  The beam is covering them with warmth, comfort, and compassion.  Let us take a moment to let the beam cover the babies.

We look at our feet and notice that our cushions have followed us and are
waiting to take us to our next destination.  Take your unlit torch and go
onto the cushion.  You can either sit or lie on the cushion.  It does not
matter.  What matters is that you notice how cozy and soothing it feels to
sit or lie on the cushion.  Notice this now.   As you notice this, the
cushion gently lifts you and you feel the warm cool breeze on your face as
the cushion takes you to your next destination.  As you notice how
comfortable you are feeling, you realize that the cushion has gently landed
you back in the meditation room.  You take a deep breath in and out.  Let us do that now. 

Before we finish, we will take a few moments to remember September 11th.
We will focus on all of the sensations. If you cannot sense one or more
sensations, that is okay.  It is enough just to think about it.  First we
will focus on seeing the people on the planes, knowing they are about to die.  See this now.  And now, see the planes flying into the buildings and the field.  Let yourself see all there is to see.  And now we will focus on sirens.  Hear the police, fire, and ambulance sirens as they headed towards the plane crash sites.  Hear the sirens now.  Hear the shouts of panic and terror of the survivors of the terrorist attacks.  Here them now.  Smell the burning of human flesh in the fires.  Smell it now.  Feel the pain of the survivors who walked down flights of stairs while in agony from burns.  Feel it now.  Taste the blood that survivors bled as they were escaping.  Taste it now.  And now formulate the intention to be open to understanding the meaning of these events as it comes to you, maybe in one stroke of insight, maybe a little at a time over a long period.  Now we will look at the column of light that shines above us. We ask our column to bathe, heal and soothe us, our planet, and the universe.  Sense the column of light shining into you, healing and soothing you, filling you with light, with warmth, with compassion, with wisdom.  Now sense the light bathing our meditation partners, healing and soothing them, filling them with light, warmth, compassion, wisdom.  Now  the light shines into the survivors of September 11th, healing and soothing them, filling them with light, warmth, wisdom, compassion. 
bathing the survivors of 9/11.  Now imagine the light bathing the entire planet, healing and soothing it, shining warmth, compassion, wisdom over and into it. Now imagine the light bathing the entire universe, shining warmth, compassion and light into and over everything that is.

For our last task, we will imagine ourselves in a healing pool.  Enter this
pool now and feel the warm water surround you and cover you as much as you would like to be surrounded and covered.  Stay in the pool for a moment, knowing that the moment is an extremely healing moment.  As you leave the pool, you are immediately dried by the column of light that shines above you.  You hear birds chirping, see butterflies fluttering around you, and feel the soft fur of an animal that you enjoy next to you.  You know that this is nature's way of thanking you for all of your hard work today.  You take a deep breath in and a deep breath out.  Finally, you remember your container and know that now is the time for you to retrieve it, if you would like to.  You may leave it where it is, or you can get it, open it up and breathe back the strong feelings. Let us make this choice now, and if you choose to retrieve your feelings, do it now.  When you are ready, you may open your eyes.

(c) Copyright 2002, all rights reserved. Permission is granted to share this information with others as long as it is shared in its entirety and the copyright information is included.

This healing meditation can be found on Philip Friedman, Ph.D's website on "Integrative Healing" at
http://www.integrativehelp.com or directly at:




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